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Infidelity...Reasons Wives Cheat

Updated on November 23, 2011

One of the biggest reasons that parnters divorce in today’s world is infidelity, Wives are just as likely to stray from the marriage as their husbands, and knowing the most common reasons may just help you both save your marriage before or even after an affair occurs.

Women cheat for many different reasons from revenge to a neglected heart.

Why Wives Cheat

1. Revenge...

We all know the saying that hell has no fury like a woman scorned. You cheat...she gets even by engaging in the same act. It’s not even always about her husband finding out she’s cheated, sometimes the vengeance act is for her alone. For others it’s a way for the wife to give her husband a dose of his own medicine.

2. Quick out

One of the reasons a partner or wife may cheat is to be caught. So that the breakup of the marriage is sped up and she doesn’t have to talk. This is a communication issue at its core, always work with your partner at building a solid trust that they know they can talk with you about anything and everything.

3. Sex

Boredom in the bedroom can settle into a marriage sometimes without either partner being aware of it straight away, the same time, place and position where she can read your next move like a road map can make the lure of an affair that much more exciting and adventures

No sex

Before the kids, before long hours at work, before sleep was your most prized possession sex was a thing of passion where the whole night was yours alone to lie in each other’s arms. Women like men want to feel wanted, appealing, and still desirable to their partner. Without feeling these things they will be drawn to others who may lavish them in such a way, making her feel like a woman again.

4. Self-esteem.

For many different women sex can be a way of reassuring them, that they are beautiful, worthwhile and desirable. for some to be seen as a woman beyond mother, and caregiver can be the very thing that drives a woman to another, is to this need be seen as more then what the role of marriage has made her, that may send her to another.

To have someone listen to her dreams and ideas can be refreshing when she feels over looked at home.

Other women can only gain self-esteem in the bedroom feeling that’s the only place they are able to be loved.

5. Emotional Withdrawal

Women are emotional creatures, and the instant they sense their partner pulling back with their feelings, they worry. Then the longer it goes on for the lonelier they feel, and when they find themselves cheating they often justify it by pointing to the emotional distance as a sign the relationship with their husband was already over....she was just moving on...

Women need your emotional support as well as your financial support, talk to her about her life and feelings, and trust her with yours.

7. Wife becomes the maid.

Being a wife can lead to many different roles for a wife, housekeeper, accountant, babysitter, taxi driver. This can lead to feeling more like the "help" then the treasured partner she once was. It is easy to take things for granted in a relationship over time. But as the feelings of being neglected over the things she is doing can lead for her to stray especially if her partner spends more time at the pub then helping at home. Being appreciated for small things goes a long way.

8. Lack of Intimacy

This is not about sex; this is about the little touches the romantic gestures you make to her as man to woman. Touching her, cuddling, handholding, kissing. These small things are vital to help a woman stay connected to her partner. If she is not getting it from her husband a wife may look for it elsewhere. After all it’s the little things that fan the fires of chemistry.

Terminal Cheater

Some women (and men) will never understand the damage their cheating does to their partners, they will cheat because they want to, they will cheat because they can, and these women like their male counter parts should in my opinion be sent on their way. Once a cheater always a cheater applies to this small group of the populace.

If infidelity is a problem in your relationship, take the time to let the hurt and anger cool, and seek the help of a profession marriage/ relationship counselor to see if the love you once had can be salvaged.



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